Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Education Policies (1945-2018)

University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)

June 3, 2020 – June 5, 2020

During the second half of the twentieth century, education systems worldwide underwent remarkable processes of change. Under the influence of international organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD, the World Bank and the WHO, national education systems began to connect with each other in an unprecedented fashion. We should also highlight the central role played by other multilateral cooperation agencies during these years, such as the Ford Foundation and USAID from EEUU, and the spaces opened up by public diplomacy between different countries. This resulted in education systems being framed as key institutions for  economic development purposes. Modernization theory became one of the main springboards for the universalization of schooling. In other words, the political space opened by the Cold War gave rise to a new concept of the role that school systems should play in the national and international arenas.

However, it was not only education policies that underwent extensive change; the curriculum policies themselves were also subject to intense transnational exchange and cross-cultural transfer flows. All this had an effect on literacy programmes, school knowledge, teaching methods, teacher training and even schooling and education universalization policies. This phenomenon, which continues to the present day, led to the introduction of subjects such as Information and Communication Technology, programmes to review school textbooks, and the advent of new disciplines such as the Economics of Education, Comparative Education and Educational Sciences. All of these are good examples of how the international factor has generated important changes in curriculums and education policies worldwide.

This symposium focuses on generating a space for analysis, debate and reflection on the importance of the international organizations in the modernization processes and changes in curriculum policies in the international context. Around these processes of educational transfer, another purpose is to analyse the philosophical concept of the model of society and education that the indicated educational vision was based on. In short, it is about introducing new historical, philosophical, political, and comparative perspectives of analysis to help us to examine the origin of this concept and the directions taken by education systems in the global context.

For this reason, this symposium will pay special attention to the following topics: 1) Transfer and importation processes of curriculum policies; 2) The influence and importance of international organizations in the creation and evolution of curriculum policies; 3) Historical impacts on curriculum policies and teaching and learning processes at the national level; 4) The philosophical, theoretical and conceptual components of such educational policies; 5) New spaces for schooling, the universalization of education systems, and their effects on the curriculum; 6) New educational players in the processes of change generated; 7) Implications for the organization, administration and management of education systems; 8) Creation of new transfer, exchange and training circuits for research and scientific staff; 9) The role of public diplomacy in educational transfer processes; 10) Influences on researchinto education.


Mariano González-Delgado (University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain).

Manuel Ferraz Lorenzo (University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain).

Cristian Machado-Trujillo (University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain).


Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese.


Communication: maximum one per author. Each participant will have 20 minutes (approximately) to defend the communication. See 'Rules for sending individual communications'.

Key dates:

  • September 30, 2019: Deadline for sending the full text of the communication (2000-2250 words).
  • November 10, 2019: Notification to the authors of the acceptance or not of the proposal.

Thematic panel: composed of three speakers and a coordinator. The panels will last between 60 and 90 minutes. Each participant will have 20 minutes (approximately) to defend the communication. See 'Rules for submission of thematic panel proposals'.

Key dates:

  • September 30, 2019: Deadline for sending the initial panel proposal (500-750 words)
  • September 30, 2019: Notification to the coordinator of the acceptance or not of the proposal.
  • December 10, 2019: Deadline for the submission of the full text of the panel presentation (2000-2250 words) and of each paper (2000-2250 words).

In both cases, the speakers and participants will have sufficient time for academic reflection and discussion.

Languages: proposals will be sent in the language used to defend them (English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese).


Key dates of the symposium

  • April 1, 2019: Opening of the deadline for submissions (Individual Communications and Thematic Panel).
  • September 30, 2019: Deadline for submission of the abstracts (2000-2250 words) of individual Communications and the initial proposal (500-750 words) of Panels.
  • September 30, 2019: Notification to the coordinator of the acceptance or not of the proposal of the proposal of panels.
  • November 10, 2019:  Notification to the authors of the acceptance or not of the proposal of individual communication and the proposal of panels.
  • November 11, 2019: Registration and registration opening: reduced fee.
  • December 10, 2019: Deadline for the submission of the full text of the panel presentation (2000-2250 words) and of each paper (2000-2250 words).
  • March 1, 2020: Closing of enrollment and enrollment period: reduced rate.
  • May 1, 2020: Closing of enrollment and enrollment period for assistants and communicators.
  • June 3, 2020: Opening of the Symposium.

Key dates of the post-symposium

  • September 20, 2020: Deadline for the submission of the complete works (as a book chapter or as a journal article).





Postponed / Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Education Policies (1945-2018). International Conference on Politics and History of Education

Postponed International Conference. Due to the Pandemic COVID-19 we are forced to postpone the International Conference Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Education Policies (1945-2018) that we planned to hold in June 2020. The new date for the Conference will be from Wednesday 2nd June to Friday 4th June 2021. Thank you very much for your effort to participate in the conference. We keep in touch. Best wishes, organizing team.  
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