Recent Issues and Call for Papers

Current approaches to critical intercultural education in Latin America and Europe...

Planteamientos actuales de la educación intercultural crítica en América Latina y Europa: de la perspectiva de la colonialidad a la teoría crítica de la...

Legacy and present of Paulo Freire / Call for Papers /...

Legado y actualidad de Paulo Freire Editoras invitadas: Aitor Garagarza Cambra, Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko...

The history of residential colleges: spaces of assistance, education and sociocultural...

Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español / Texto disponível em Português / Testo disponibile in Italiano The history of residential colleges: spaces of...

FahrenHouse currently manages the publication of three open-access scientific e-journals: Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, Foro de Educación, and El Futuro del Pasado. These journals are indexed in several national and international databases, adhere strictly to worldwide recognized standards of good editorial practice, and have accordingly been accredited for their quality.

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación

Space and Time are two variables which, to a large extent, determine reality, make a mark on all its aspects, condition the opportunities and paths of people and societies, as well as those of thought, science, technology and many other manifestations of Reason, Freedom and Utopia. Education, a genuinely human phenomenon, is no stranger to such influences: it is a past and a present factor which is both conditioning and conditioned over the course of history and the present.

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is an open access, free and independent scientific journal, with a six-monthly periodicity (two issues every year). The main object of the journal consists in publishing researches, studies and critical essays about the History of Education, in any space and time, adopting theoretical, philosophical and methodological perspectives. Generally the structure of each number is composed by editorial, monographic, studies and interview. All items received by Espacio, Tiempo y Educación for the sections “Monographic” and “Studies” are submitted to the double blind peer review external evaluation process. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación accepts articles in different languages as Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación addresses mainly researchers, scholars and academics in the field of the History of Education, as well as other free and independent people who care about issues of thought, culture, society and education in a historical perspective and who are willing to debate their policies and researches with others.

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The history of residential colleges: spaces of assistance, education and sociocultural movement / ...

Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español / Texto disponível em Português / Testo disponibile in Italiano The history of residential colleges: spaces of...

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación (v. 8, n. 2, 2021) Social movements and currents of...

Special Issue: Social movements and currents of pedagogical renewal (19th-20th century) Guest Editor: Pablo Toro Blanco (Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Chile) “In the last few decades, an interpretative...

Foro de Educación

Foro de Educación is a scientific journal specialized in Philosophy of Education, Educational Policy and Comparative Education and serves, mainly, to researchers and academics who develop their activity in such areas of knowledge. Foro de Educación is a meeting place for science and academic dialogue, an agora -in the most genuine sense of the word- in which education and its political, philosophical, cultural and social dimensions, as well as the processes of transfer and International influences of different spaces and times, are subject to examination and discussion. Foro de Educación is a channel for conducting and disseminating advances in the construction of knowledge about education and contemporary debates on theories and their political, social and cultural materializations.

Foro de Educación is an open-access and independent peer-reviewed scientific journal (twice a year), edited by FahrenHouse (Salamanca, Spain). The principal aim of the journal is to publish researches, studies and critical scientific essays on education, in any space and at present times, in theoretical, philosophical, political, sociological, anthropological, comparative and international perspectives. All papers submitted to Foro de Educación for the sections “Monographic” and “Studies” have to go through external evaluation and through the double blind system. Foro de Educación welcomes originals papers in several languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Foro de Educación is intended, mainly, for researchers, students and university teaching staff in Educational Sciences. We also welcome submissions from other free, independent operators, looking at issues of Intellectual Thinking, Culture, Society and Education, who are prepared to compare and contrast their own criteria and investigations with those of others.

Since 2014 Foro de Educación has a permanent periodicity of two (2) issues per year. Each volume has a structure that, as a general rule, is based on three sections: editorial, monograph, and studies.

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Current approaches to critical intercultural education in Latin America and Europe / Call for...

Planteamientos actuales de la educación intercultural crítica en América Latina y Europa: de la perspectiva de la colonialidad a la teoría crítica de la...

Legacy and present of Paulo Freire / Call for Papers / Foro de Educación...

Legado y actualidad de Paulo Freire Editoras invitadas: Aitor Garagarza Cambra, Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko...

El Futuro del Pasado

El Futuro del Pasado: Revista electrónica de Historia aims to be an open space for dialogue and debate among researchers in different areas of knowledge that are intended to study the past in its various aspects. It is a tool for research, reporting and criticism, outside any ideological or partisan patronage of any type.

Generally the structure of each number is composed by editorial, monographic and studies. All items received by El Futuro del Pasado for the sections “Monographic” and “Studies” are submitted to the double blind peer review external evaluation process. El Futuro del Pasado accepts articles in different languages as Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese.

El Futuro del Pasado seeks to help overcome the walls that separate the historians, trying to break down barriers between different related areas of knowledge and establishing collaborative ties for a world in which there is increasing importance to competition.

From January 2021, El Futuro del Pasado is published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

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El Futuro del Pasado is published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca

From January 2021, El Futuro del Pasado is published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Access the official website of El Futuro del Pasado

Sharing the past in order to share the future. History education in a comparative...

The integration process that has shaped Europe since the mid-twentieth century has had a great influence from a global perspective, and has been connected...
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