Connecting History of Education Working Group
Connecting History of Education Working Group (CHEWG) brings together researchers from Australia, Brazil, Spain and Italy with the common interest to open spaces for reflection and debate on international management policies related to scientific journals, to analyze and study the historiographical trends in education generated by such publications, to contribute to efforts that are underway to develop the Mapping the Discipline History of Education, to enrich the flow of communication and collaboration between journals and members of the international community of the historians of education, and to develop scientific tools that meet the demands of a globalized world.
Working Group Members
Bastos, Maria Helena Camara
Working Group CoordinatorPontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Editor of História da Educação
Cagnolati, Antonella
Working Group CoordinatorUniversity of Foggia (Italy). Editor of Espacio, Tiempo y Educación
Hernández Huerta, José Luis
Working Group CoordinatorUniversity of Valladolid (Spain). Editor of Espacio, Tiempo y Educación and Foro de Educación
Sani, Roberto
Working Group CoordinatorUniversity of Macerata (Italy). Editor of History of Education & Children’s Literature
Ascenzi, Anna
Working Group MemberUniversity of Macerata (Italy). Executive Council of History of Education & Children’s Literature
Barausse, Alberto
Working Group MemberUniversity of Molise (Italy). Advisory Board of History of Education & Children’s Literature and Espacio, Tiempo y Educación
Brennan, Katie
Working Group MemberSUNY Polytechnic Institute (United States). Managing Editor of Encounters in Theory and History of Education
Bruno-Jofré, Rosa
Working Group MemberQueen´s University (Canada). Senior Editor of Encounters in Theory and History of Education
Ermel, Tatiane de Freitas
Working Group MemberUniversidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e Missões (Brazil). Editor of História da Educação and Editorial Board Member of El Futuro del Pasado
González Gómez, Sara
Working Group MemberUniversity of the Balearic Islands (Spain). Co-Editor of Espacio, Tiempo y Educación and Foro de Educación
Igelmo Zaldívar, Jon
Working Group MemberUniversity of Deusto (Spain). Associate Editor of Encounters in Theory and History of Education and Co-Editor of Foro de Educación
Jofré, Ana
Working Group MemberSUNY Polytechnic Institute (United States). Digital Section Editor of Encounters in Theory and History of Education
McLeod, Julie
Working Group MemberUniversity of Melbourne (Australia). Editor of History of Education Review
Payà Rico, Andrés
Working Group MemberUniversity of Valencia (Spain). Co-Editor of Espacio, Tiempo y Educación
Pérez Miranda, Iván
Working Group MemberUniversity of Valladolid (Spain). Editor of El Futuro del Pasado and Co-Editor of Foro de Educación
Pomante, Luigiaurelio
Working Group MemberUniversity of Macerata (Italy). Editorial Manager of History of Education & Children’s Literature
Proctor, Helen
Scientific CommitteeUniversity of Sydney (Australia). Editor of History of Education Review
Quiroga Uceda, Patricia
Working Group MemberAutonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Co-Editor of Espacio, Tiempo y Educación
Sanchidrián Blanco, Carmen
Working Group MemberUniversity of Málaga (Spain). Editorial Board Member of Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria