Recent issues
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación (v. 8, n. 2, 2021) Social movements and currents of pedagogical renewal (19th-20th century)
Special Issue: Social movements and currents of pedagogical renewal (19th-20th century)
Guest Editor: Pablo Toro Blanco (Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Chile)
“In the last few decades, an interpretative shift has emerged regarding the concept of social movements. As...
História da Educação (v. 25, July 2021) Independência e instrução no Brasil, Chile e nos Estados Unidos da América
Dossiê "Independência e instrução no Brasil, Chile e nos Estados Unidos da América"
Apresentação do Dossiê Independência e Instrução no Brasil, Chile e nos Estados Unidos da América (XIX e XX)
José Gonçalves Gondra (Brasil)
Raça, memória...
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación (v. 8, n. 1, 2021) History of Education and Childhood: Problematizing Themes and Sources
Special Issue: History of Education and Childhood: Problematizing Themes and Sources
Guest Editors: Moysés Kuhlmann Jr. (Fundação Carlos Chagas. Brasil) & Beatriz Alcubierre Moya (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. México).
“Los artículos reunidos en este...
History of Education & Children’s Literature (v. 16, n. 1, 2021) Transnational and transcultural educational models in Eastern and Southern Europe between XIX and XX Centuries
Special Issue: Transnational and transcultural educational models in Eastern and Southern Europe between XIX and XX Centuries
Edited by Simonetta Polenghi and Vučina Zorić
Transnational and transcultural educational models in Eastern and Southern Europe...
History of Education Review (v. 50, n. 1, 2021) History of Education in China and Beyond
Special Issue: History of Education in China and Beyond
Guest Editors: AdamNelson, WangHuimin
Guest editorial
Adam Nelson, Wang Huimin
Western educational historiography and the institutionalization of normal schools in modern China (1901–1944)
Wang Chen, Luo Wei, Wu...
Call for papers
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Connecting History of Education (CHE) is a scientific tool developed by FahrenHouse with the collaboration of Connecting History of Education Working Group. The main purpose is channeling, without comments or evaluations, the global flow of the scientific production and encouraging the dialogue among the many and varied historiographical traditions of the education actually existing in the world.