School’s out: outdoor education and education ‘outside’ school. Historical perspectives on the childhood, nature,...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español / Texto disponível em Português / Testo disponibile in Italiano
School’s out: outdoor education and education ‘outside’...
Educational Inequalities and Public Policies in Latin America and Europe during the 21st Century...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español
Educational Inequalities and Public Policies in Latin America and Europe during the 21st Century
We propose to...
Educating in Other Ways: «Alternative» Pedagogies and «Different» Schools in the Second Half of...
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the consolidation of the so-called «school form» of education naturalized a certain way of organizing different dimensions of...
Education policies in the context of the 2030 Agenda / Call for Papers /...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español
Education policies in the context of the 2030 Agenda: challenges when promoting more equitable education systems
50 years of the publication of Paulo Freire’s ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ and Ivan...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español / Texto disponível em Português / Testo disponibile in Italiano
50 years of the publication of Paulo...
Epistemological Decolonization and Education. International Perspectives / Call for Papers / Foro de Educación...
Modern epistemological models have not just been criticized from postmodern and western perspectives. Overall since the beginning of the 21st century, new concepts and...
Social movements and currents of pedagogical renewal (19th-20th century) / Call for Papers...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español / Texto disponível em Português / Testo disponibile in Italiano
Social movements and currents of pedagogical renewal...
School and civic participation of young Latin Americans: interrelationships in diverse, social and digital...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español
School and civic participation of young Latin Americans: interrelationships in diverse, social and digital contexts
Societies change...
Policy networks and data networks of governmentality in education / Call for Papers /...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español
Policy networks and data networks of governmentality in education
Foro de Educación calls for papers for a...
The history of residential colleges: spaces of assistance, education and sociocultural movement / ...
Text available in English / Texto disponible en Español / Texto disponível em Português / Testo disponibile in Italiano
The history of residential colleges: spaces of...