The present International Bibliography of History of Education and Children’s Literature about the year 2017 is the sixth of a serie, which has been published in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 on the international journal «History of Education & Children’s Literature» and concerned the eight years period 2010-2017; it was followed by the publication of five volumes about the same period. This specialized bibliographical overview includes researches and studies about the history of education edited around the world (articles published in journals, monographs, collections of essays, proceedings and textbooks). In order to build the present work tool, addressed in particular to the scholars of history of education and of children’s literature, it was necessary to go systematically through an outstanding quantity of national and international specialized publishers’ catalogues (historical studies, social and human sciences, educational sciences), as well as through the catalogues of almost 400 high specialized scientific reviews published in different countries of the world.
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