Tracing the radical, the migrant, and the secular in the history of Australian schooling: Contrapuntal historiographies
Remy Low, Eve Mayes, Helen Proctor
The hidden historiography of migration and Australian schooling
Helen Proctor
Radical reform and reforming radicals in Australian schooling
Eve Mayes
Secularism, race, religion and the Public Instruction Act of 1880 in NSW
Remy Low
The Margaret Bailey case: High school activism, the right to education and modern citizenship in late 1960s Australia
Isobelle Barrett Meyering
Clarice Irwin’s visions for education in Australia in the 1920s and 1930s: “what might be”
Dorothy Kass
Memory objects and boarding school trauma
Christine Trimingham Jack, Linda Devereux
Henry Caldwell Cook, creativity and democratic learning
John Howlett
Histories of teachers in Australia and New Zealand from the 1970s to the present
Kay Whitehead