Ph.D. Lorenzo Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla
is a Senior Researcher at the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC). Doctorate in Contemporary History at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Research Fellow at the Centre d’Histoire des Relations Internationales Contemporaines, Université Paris I-Sorbonne. Researcher Participant at the International Visitor Program of the United States. A specialist in the history of international affairs, he has extensively published on several dimensions of Spanish foreign relations, including propaganda and public diplomacy, cultural, educational and scientific transfers, and military assistance. He is the author and editor of numerous publications, among the most recent works: Teaching Modernization. Spanish and Latin American Educational Reform in the Cold War(2019, with O.J. Martín).
Keynote title: Educación para el desarrollo. Asistencia exterior y reforma de la enseñanza en la España del tardofranquismo
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Selected publications related to conference
Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, L. (2009): Viento de poniente. El Programa Fulbright en España. Madrid, ‘Comisión Fulbright-LID Editorial Empresarial-AECID, Madrid.
Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, L. (2009) Westerly Wind. The Fulbright Program in Spain. Madrid, ‘Comisión Fulbright-LID Editorial Empresarial-AECID.
Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, L. and Elizalde Pérez-Grueso, Mª D. (2005). Eapaña y Estados Unidos en el Siglo XX. Madrid, CSIC.
Ph.D. Poul Duedahl
Professor of History at Aalborg University in Denmark and Director of the Global History of UNESCO Project sponsored by the Danish Council for Independent Research. He is the author of several award-winning books, and editor of A History of UNESCO: Global actions and Impactspublished by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016.Visiting Scholar at Fudan University, Shanghai, China in 2012-2013 and at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA in 2008. Long and short term stays at the United Nations Archives, UNESCO Archives, and at national archives, libraries and universities all over the world (China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Russia, Germany, South Africa, Ghana, USA and Brazil).
Keynote title: The Global History of UNESCO: On the role of education in the organization’s mental engineering initiatives
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Selected publications related to the long 1960s
Duedahl, P. (2016). A history of UNESCO: Global Actions and Impacts, Palgrave Macmillan 2016.
Duedahl, P. (2016). “UNESCO’s Reeducation Activities in Postwar Japan and Germany”, in A. Kulnazarova, etc. (ed.): UNESCO Without Borders, Routledge 2016, pp. 52-74.
Duedahl, P. (2011). “Selling Mankind: UNESCO and the Invention of Global History, 1945-76”, Journal of World History, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 101-133.
Duedahl, P. (2012). “From Racial Strangers to Ethnic Minorities: On the Socio-Political Impact of UNESCO, 1945-60”, in: Gregory A. Katsas (ed.), Current Issues in Sociology, Athens Institute for Education and Research 2012, p. 155-166.
Ph.D. Gary McCulloch
Inaugural Brian Simon Professor of the History of Education at the founding director of the International Centre for Historical research in Education at UCL Institute of Education. He is currently the Editor of the British Journal of Educational Studiesand joint editor of Transnational Perspectives in Curriculum History. He is a former Editor of the international journal History of Educationand a past president of the UK History of Education Society and the British Educational Research Association. He has supervised a wide range of research students in the history of secondary and higher education, both nationally and internationally. Gary’s recent publications include The Struggle for the History of Education(Routledge, 2011), Secondary Education and the Raising of the School Leaving Age(with Woodin and Cowan, Palgrave, 2013), a special issue of Paedagogica Historicaon ‘Education, war and peace’ (edited with Georgina Brewis, based on the London conference of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education, July 2014), and A Social History of Educational Studies and Research(with Steven Cowan, Routledge, 2017).
Keynote Title: The Nuffield Physics curriculum project in the 1960s: A transnational project?
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Selected publications related to the long 1960s
McCulloch, G. and Cowan, S. (2017). A Social History of Educational Studies and Research. Foundations and Futures of Education. London, Routledge.
McCulloch, G. (2018). Educational research: which way now? British Educational Research Journal, doi:10.1002/berj.3330
McCulloch, G. (2011). The Struggle for the History of Education. London, Routledge.
McCulloch, G. (2007). Cyril Norwood and the Ideal of Secondary Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ph.D. Johan Prytz
Associate professor (docent) in education at Uppsala University. He has a PhD in mathematics with specialisation in the history and pedagogy of mathematics. For about 15 years he has studied reforms of Swedish school mathematics in the 20th century, using a variety of sources, theories and methods. He is also involved in research projects concerning school algebra, critical thinking and implementation.
Keynote title: The implications of OECD education policy as booster of national governance: The case of New Math in Sweden, 1950–1975
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Selected publications related to the long 1960s
Prytz, J. (2018). The New Math and School Governance: An Explanation of the Decline of the New Math in Sweden.In, Fulvia Furinghetti; Alexander Karp (red.) Researching the History of Mathematics Education: An International Overview, Springer International Publishing. 189-216.
Prytz, J. (2017). The production of textbooks in mathematics in Sweden, 1930-1980. In, Bjarnadóttir, K., Furinghetti, F., Menghini, M., Prytz, J., & Schubring, G. (red.) “Dig where you stand” 4: Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura. 309-324.
Nygren, T., Haglund, J., Samuelsson, R., af Geijerstam, Å., Prytz, J. (2018). Critical thinking in national tests across four subjects in Swedish compulsory school. Education Inquiry. Epub ahead of print.
Deadlines of the Symposium
- April 1, 2019: Opening of the deadline for submissions (Individual Communications and Thematic Panel).
- September 30, 2019: Deadline for submission of the abstracts (2000-2250 words) of individual Communications and the initial proposal (500-750 words) of Panels.
- September 30, 2019: Notification to the coordinator of the acceptance or not of the proposal of the proposal of panels.
- November 10, 2019: Notification to the authors of the acceptance or not of the proposal of individual communication and the proposal of panels.
- November 11, 2019: Registration and registration opening: reduced fee.
- December 10, 2019: Deadline for the submission of the full text of the panel presentation (2000-2250 words) and of each paper (2000-2250 words).
- March 1, 2020: Closing of enrollment and enrollment period: reduced rate.
- May 1, 2020: Closing of enrollment and enrollment period for assistants and communicators.
- June 3, 2020: Opening of the Symposium.