Caroli, D., & Pomante, L. (Eds.) (2015). International Bibliography of History of Education and Children’s Literature (2013). Macerata: Edizioni Università di Macerata
The present International Bibliography about the history of education and children’s literature for the year 2013 follows the one appeared on «History of Education & Children’s Literature» last year and concerning the three years period 2010-2012. Just like that, it is a specialized bibliographical overview (articles published in journals, monographs, collections of essays, proceedings and textbooks) concerning the research and the studies about the history of education published all over the world.
In order to create such a work tool, addressed in particular to the scholars of history of education and children’s literature, it is appropriate to systematically analyze the Publishers’ catalogues of hundreds of national and international specialized publishing houses (historical studies, social and human sciences, educational sciences), as well as the catalogues of about 400 scientific journals belonging to the same field or related to it, published in different countries of the world.
This kind of research is necessarily a work in progress, due to the sometimes insuperable difficulties connected to the understandable will of completeness and exhaustiveness in the process of data retrieval. Despite the growing support to globalization given by internet and the social media, in fact, the web sites of the publisher houses and scientific reviews (as well as those of the Universities and of the public and private research Centres) not always provide updated and exhaustive information (catalogues, bibliographical report, tables of contents of the issues etc.).
Hence, the sometimes insurmountable difficulties encountered in the process of acquisition of precise data and reliable information about the scientific production in this field in some particular countries and, consequently, the real need for a network of partners operating in loco, i.e. a network of researchers and scholars specialized in this field, who agreed to report systematically to «History of Education & Children’s Literature» the most recent and relevant publications occurred in their own country and, if necessary, to complete the sometimes fragmentary information obtained through internet.
Over the last year, a great amount of energy has been spent in the creation and enhancement of such a network of partners, in order to make this
bibliography a reliable, constantly updated tool, enjoyable by all scholars and, above all, able to present in all its complexity and variety the wide- ranging international scientific production in the field of history of education and children’s literature.
In addition to the colleagues of «History of Education & Children’s Literature», a number of experts and researchers from all over the world contributed to the creation of this International Bibliography concerning the year 2013. In this regard, the editors would like to sincerely thank for their collaboration: Vitaly G. Bezrogov (Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia), Ariane Calderari (Centre de Documentation et de Recherche Pestalozzi d’Yverdon, France), Craig Campbell (University of Sydney, Australia), Peter Carrier (Redaction of the review «Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society», Germany), Antonio Castillo Gómez (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain), Anne-Marie Chartier and Renaud D’Enfert (INRP – Service d’Histoire de l’Éducation, France), Maria Elena Del Valle de Villalba (Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas Venezuela), Inés Dussel (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Argentina), Agustín Escolano Benito (Universidad de Valladolid, Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar, Spain), Aslam Fataar (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), Décio Gatti (Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil), Hui Haifeng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China), Margot Hillel (Australian Catholic University, Australia), Rebekka Horlacher (redaction of the review «Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education», Switzerland), Esmeralda Hoti (Faculty Education/Department of Psychology, University of «Aleksander Moisiu», Durres, Albania), Peter Kallaway (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Alexander Karp (Columbia University), Iveta Kestere (University of Latvia), Grigorij Kornetov (Academy of the Social Administration, Moscow, Russia), Javier Laspalas (Universidad de Navarra, Spain), Hugh Morrison (University of Otago, New Zealand), Gabriela Ossenbach Sauter (UNED, Spain), Paraskevi Pougaridou (University of Western Macedonia, Greece), Joaquim Pintassilgo (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Edvard Protner (University of Maribor, Slovenia), Paul J. Ramsey (Eastern Michigan University, Editor of the review «American Educational History Journal»), Rebecca Rogers (Université Paris Descartes, France), Alla A. Salnikova (Kazan State University, Russia), Bengt Sandin (Linköping University, Sweden), Joanna Schiller-Walicka (Redaction of the review «Rozprawy z Dziejów Owiaty», Poland), Juan Senís Fernández (University of Saragoza, Spain) Verónica Sierra Blas (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain), Chandralekha Singh (Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India), Larisa Smirnova (redaction of the review «Istoriko-Pedagogichesky Zhurnal», Russia), Wendelin Sroka
(Reading Primers Special Interest Group of the International Society for Historical and Sistematic Research on Schoolbooks, Germany), Cathryn Steele (Publisher House: Oxford, Oxford University Press, UK), Claudia Tatasciore (Ph. D., University of Bologna), Milka Terzijska (Sofia University
«St. Kliment Ohridski», Bulgaria), Johannes Westberg (Uppsala University, Sweden), Cristina Yanes (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Christian Ydesen (Aalborg University, Denmark).
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACEX = «Academic Exploration» (China)
ACTAC = «Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis» (Hungary)
ADIF = «Annali online della didattica e della formazione docente» (Italy) AEHJ = «American Educational History Journal» (USA)
AHEA = «Historia de la Educación Argentina. Anuario» (Argentina) ALMAM= «Alma Mater. Vestnik vysshej shkoly» (Russia)
ANDO = «Anthology of Dongyue» (China) ANLI = «Anhui Literature» (China)
AOB = «Administrator Obrazovanya» (Russia) APMA = Appreciation of Masterpieces» (China)
APOP = «Aktual’nye Problemy Obshchego i Professional’nogo Obrazovanya» (Russia)
ASE = «Annali di Storia dell’Educazione e delle Istituzioni scolastiche» (Italy) ASESOA = «Assessment of Southeastern Asia» (China)
ASNSP = «Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofi (Italy)
ASUI = «Annali di Storia delle Università Italiane» (Italy)
AURP = «Aula. Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca» (Spain)
BASMC = «Bollettino dell’Archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia» (Italy)
BCP = «Le Bulletin du Centre de documentation et de recherche Pestalozzi» (Switzerland)
BERJ = «British Educational Research Journal» (United Kingdom) BHR = «Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance» (France)
BIS = «Biologya v Shkole» (Russia)
BJES = «Baltic Journal of European Studies» (Latvia)
BJPS = «British Journal of Political Science» (Great Britain) BORP = «Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía» (Spain)
BPHM = «Bulletin der PolnischenHistorischen Mission» (Germany) BSSE = «Buletini Shkencor. Shkencat e Edukimit» (Albania)
BSSV = «Bollettino della Società degli Studi Valdesi» (Italy) BSZO = «B’lgarsko spisanie za obrazovanie» (Bulgaria) CAE = «Carrefours de l’Éducation» (France)
CBMH = «Canadian Bulletin of Medical History» (Canada) CEIS= «Cennostii. Smysli» (Russia)
CES = «Cultura Escrita & Sociedad» (Spain)
CHE = «Cadernos de História da Educação» (Brazil) CHEBRO = «Chelovek i obrazovanie» (Russia) CHIBO = «China Book Review» (China)
CHINPI = «China Newspaper Industry» (China) CHIPRE = «China Press» (China)
CHIT = «Chinese Teaching» (China)
CHR = «The Catholic Historical Review» (USA)
CHSCC = «Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture» (UK) CIAN = «CIAN. Revista de Historia de las Universidades» (Spain) CJES = «Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences» (Cyprus)
COED = «Contemporary Education Dialogue» (India)
CON = «Contemporanea. Rivista di Storia dell’800 e del ’900» (Italy) CONCHI = «Construction of Chinese Course» (China)
CONFOLI = «Contemporary Foreign Literature» (China)
CP = «Cuestiones Pedagógicas. Revista de Ciencias de la educación» (Spain) DEBA = «Debates in Arts» (China)
DEF= «Defektologya» (Russia)
DL = «DorLedor. Studies in the History of Jewis Education in Israel and the Diaspora» (Israel)
DNV = «Dukhovno-NravstvennoeVospitanie» (Russia) DO = «Docencia» (Chile)
DOS= «Doshkolnik» (Russia)
DOSBRAV = «Doshkol’noe obrazovanie i vospitanie» (Russia) DOV= «Doshkolnoe Vospitanie» (Russia)
DPRS = «Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica» (Italy) DSA = «Detsky Sad ot A do Ya» (Russia)
DSS = «Direktor Sel’skoj Shkoly» (Russia) EASF = «Eastern Forum» (China)
ECOPOL = «Economic and Political Weekly» (India) ED = «Educación XX1» (Spain)
EDC = «Education» (Hungary)
EDI = «Educazione interculturale» (Italy) EDSCI = «Education Science» (Greece) EDU = «Educação» (Brazil)
EDUR = «Educar em Revista» (Brazil)
EERE = «Elementary Education Research» (China)
EERJ = «European Educational Research Journal» (United Kingdom) EFIL = «Educação e Filosofi (Brazil)
EFP = «El Futuro del Pasado» (Spain)
EH = «Educació i Història. Revista d’Història de l’Educació» (Spain) EI = «Education Inquiry» (Sweden)
EJE = «European Journal of Education» (USA)
EKO = «Ekologicheskoe Obrazovanie: do Shkoly, v Shkole, vne Shkoly» (Russia)
EKS = «Ekonomika v Shkole» (Russia)
EMSTT = «Elementary and Middle School Teacher Training» (China) EOZ= «Evrazyskoe Ozherel’e» (Russia)
ES = «Educational Studies. A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association» (United Kingdom)
ESE = «ESE. Estudios Sobre Educación» (Spain) ETE = «Espacio, Tiempo y Educacion» (Spain) EUROBUL = «EUROCLIO Bulletin» (Greece)
EXE = «Exedra. Revista Científica (on line)» (Portugal) EXPLO = «Exploration of Education» (China)
FE = «Foro de Educación» (Spain)
FEMSE = «Foreign Elementary and Middle School Education» (China) FILOBRA = «Filosofya obrazovanya» (Russia)
FILOL = «Filologos» (Greece) FIS = «Fizika v Shkole» (Russia)
FKVT = «Fizicheskaya Kul’tura: Vospitanie, Obrazovanie, Trenirovka» (Russia)
FOB = «Filosofya Obrazovanya» (Russia)
FOLFOLT = «Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching» (China) FOLST = «Foreign Language Studies» (China)
FORDUL = «Fordulópont» (Hungary)
FOREC = «Forum of Education and Culture» (China) FORER = «Forum of Education and Research» (China) FORET = «Forum of Education and Teaching» (China) FORME = «Forum of Modern Education» (China) FORT = «Forum of Teaching» (China)
FORWOC = «Forum of World Chinese Literature» (China) GEES = «Geografya i Ekologya v Shkole XXI Veka» (Russia) GES = «Geografya v Shkole» (Russia)
GODUZ = «Godishnik na Universitet “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”» (Bulgaria) GSU = «Godishnik na Sofijski Universitet “St. Kliment Ohridski”» (Bulgaria) GUISS = «Guizhou Social Science» (China)
GWU= «Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht» (Germany) GYER = «Gyermeknevelés» (Hungary)
HE = «Histoire de l’Éducation» (France)
HECL = «History of Education & Children’s Literature» (Italy) HEILED = «Heilongjiang Education» (China)
HEILSCI = «Heilongjiang Sci-Tech Info» (China)
HEJ = «History of Education. Journal of the History of Education Society» (United Kingdom)
HEMM = «Hautes Études Médiévales et Modernes» (France) HEQ = «History of Education Quarterly» (USA)
HER = «History of Education Review. The offi Journal of the Australian & New Zealand History of Education Society» (Australia)
HERI = «Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria» (Spain) HES = «Higher Education Studies» (Canada)
HF = «The History of the Family. An International Quarterly» (Ireland) HISTI = «History of education issues» (Greece)
HME = «Historia y memoria de la educación» (Spain) HP = «History of Psychiatry» (California-Usa)
HSE = «Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’Histoire de l’Éducation» (Canada)
HU = «History of Universities» (United Kingdom) IC = «Italia Contemporanea» (Italy)
IJED= «International Journal of Educational Development» (Hong Kong, China)
IJHE = «Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education» (Switzerland)
IJHME = «International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education» (USA)
IN = «Infanzia» (Italy)
INJS = «Inostrannye Yazyki v Shkole» (Russia) INNOB = «Innovacii v obrazovanii» (Russia) INT = «Intellect» (China)
INTEP = «International and European Politics» (Greece) IOL = «Innovacii v Obrazovanii i Lingvistike» (Russia)
IPAV= «Istoriko-Pedagogichesky Almanakh VLADI» (Russia) IPZ = «Istoriko-Pedagogichesky Zhurnal» (Russia)
IRAO = «Izvestya Rossyskoj Akademii Obrazovanya» (Russia) IRCL = «International Research in Children’s Literature» (Canada)
IRGPU = «Izvestya Rossyskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Universi-teta im. A.I. Gercena» (Russia)
IRHED = «International Review of History Education» (Greece) ISBRA = «Iskusstvo i obrazovanie» (Russia)
ISK = «Iskolakultura Könyvek» (Hungary) ISPESE = «Istorya pedagogiki segodnya» (Russia)
ISSRA = «Issledovatel’skaya rabota shkol’nikov» (Russia) ISTPE = «Istoriko-pedagogichesky Ezhegodnik» (Russia)
IZYUFED = «Izvestya Yuzhnogo Federal’nogo universiteta: Pedagogicheskie nauki» (Russia)
JEAH = «Journal of Educational Administration & History» (United Kingdom) JEMMS = «Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society» (Germany) JFH = «Journal of Family History. Studies in Family, Kinship, Gender, and
Demography» (Canada)
JHB = «Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung» (Germany) JHCY = «Journal of the History of Children and Youth» (USA) JHE = «The Journal of Higher Education» (USA)
JIANER = «Jiangsu Education Research» (China) JIANSS = «Jiangxi Social Science» (China)
JOAUT = «Journal of Anhui University of Technology» (China) JOCHIMU = «Journal of China Marine University» (China) JOCHU = «Journal of Chengdu University» (China)
JOCHUD = «Journal of China Education» (China)
JOCUT = «Journal of Changchun University of Technology» (China) JOED = «Journal of Editing» (China)
JOEDU = «Journal of Education (China)
JOGUCOT = «Journal of Guangdong College of Technology» (China) JOGUNOS = «Journal of Guilin Normal School» (China)
JOGUPS = «Journal of Guilin Professional School» (China) JOHABS = «Journal of Hainan Broadcast School» (China) JOHEUT = «Journal of Henan University of Technology» (China) JOHUCOT = «Journal of Hunan College of Technology» (China) JOHUSENS = «Journal of Hubei Second Normal School» (China)
JOINMONU = «Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University» (China) JOJCE = «Journal of Jilin College of Education» (China)
JOJUN = «Journal of Jimei University» (China) JOKUC = «Journal of Kunming College» (China)
JOLACE = «Journal of Lanzhou College of Education» (China) JOLINS = «Journal of Liuzhou Normal School» (China) JOLINU = «Journal of Liaoning Normal University» (China) JOLUNS = «Journal of Luoyang Normal School» (China) JOMU = «Journal of Mudanjiang University» (China)
JONNU = «Journal of Nanjing Normal University» (China) JOPLA = «Journal of PLA Foreign Language School» (China) JOSE = «Journal of Scientific Education» (China)
JOSHANU = «Journal of Shanxi Normal University» (China) JOSIPROS = «Journal of Sichuan Professional School» (China)
JOUBENU = «Journal of Hebei Normal University» (China) JOUCS = «Journal of Curriculum Studies» (Greece) JOUHUFINS = «Journal of Hunan First Normal School» (China) JOUJICOT = «Journal of Jinchu College of Technology» (China) JOWU = «Journal of Wuhan University» (China)
JOXIBRU = «Journal of Xiamen Broadcast University» (China) JOXIPS = «Journal of Xiangfan Professional School» (China) JOYU = «Journal of Yangtze University» (China)
JOZUNS = «Journal of Zunyi Normal School» (China) JPH = «Journal of Pacifi History» (UK)
JPHE = «Journal of Philosophy & History of Education» (USA) JSE = «The Journal of Special Education» (United Kingdom) JSSE = «Journal of Social Science of Education» (Germany)
JU = «Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte» (Germany) KAF = «Kafedra» (Russia)
KAINN = «Kachestvo. Innovacii. Obrazovanie» (Russia) KEK = «Kultúra és közösség» (Hungary)
KLIO = «Zhurnal dlya uchenykh» (Russia) KOR = «Korrekcionnaya Pedagogika» (Russia)
KSOP = «Kachestvo Sovremennogo Obrazovanya: Problemy i Putyakh Reshenya» (Russia)
KUOBRA = «Kul’tura, Obrazovanie, Nauka» (Russia) LBR = «L.I.B.E.R. Libri per Bambini e Ragazzi» (Italy)
LIB = «Libri & Liberi: časopis za istraživanje dječje književnosti i kulture» (Croazia)
LIBS = «Library Science» (China) LITC = «Literary Circle» (China) LITED = «Literary Education» (China) LITS = «Literatura v Shkole» (Russia)
LRE = «London Review of Education» (United Kingdom) LURA = «Latvijas Universitātes Raksti (Lettland)
LURAPE = «Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība» (Lettland)
MAK = «Makarenko» (Russia)
MAS = «Matematika v Shkole» (Russia) MDS = «Il mestiere di Storico» (Italy) MEDIAOB = «Mediaobrazovanie» (Russia)
MEMSE = «Modern Elementary and Middle School Education» (China) MES = «Modern Education Science» (China)
METEP = «Modern Education: Theory and Practice» (China)
MFB = «Mitteilungsblatt des Förderkreises der Bibliothek für Bildungsge- schichtliche Forschung» (Germany)
MMP = «Matematika i Metodika ee Prepodavanya» (Russia) MNIM = «Mnimon» (Greece)
MNS = «Medicina nei Secoli» (Italy)
MOOM = «Mir Obrazovanya – Obrazovanie v Mire» (Russia) MOR= «Modern Reading» (China)
MP = «Magyar Pedagógia» (Hungary) MT = «Magyar Tudomány» (Hungary)
MVDS = «Muttersprache. Vierteljahresschrift für Deutsche Sprache» (Germany)
NAC = «Nachalnoe Obrazovanie» (Russia) NACS = «Nachalnaya Shkola» (Russia)
NAER = «Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research» (Spain) NAR = «Narodnoe Obrazovanie» (Russia)
NAS = «Nauka i Shkola» (Russia)
NASP = «Nachalnaya Shkola Plyus Do i Posle» (Russia) NASS = «Nanjing Social Science» (China)
NBC = «Nuovo Bollettino del Centro Italiano per la Ricerca Storico-Educativa» (Italy)
NE = «Neveléstörténet» (Hungary)
NEVEOK = «Neveléstudomány: oktatás – kutatás – innovació» (Hungary) NEWPA = «New paideia» (Greece)
NINSS = «Ningxia Social Science» (China)
NISO = «Nauchnye Issledovanya v Obrazovanii. Pedagogika. Psikhologya.
Ekonomika» (Russia)
NJHS = «Nuncius. Journal of the History of Science» (Italy) NLOBO = Novoe Literaturnoe obozrenie (Russia)
NOLIT = «Northern Literature» (China)
NOVPETE = «Novye pedagogicheskie tekhnologii» (Russia)
NPPI = «Novoe v Psikhologo-Pedagogicheskikh Issledovanyakh» (Russia) NR = «Nauka i Religya» (Russia)
NS = «Neskuchnyj Sad» (Russia)
OBED = «Observation of Education» (China) OBRA = «Obrazovanie» (Bulgaria)
OBRAN = «Obrazovanie i nauka» (Russia) OBRO = «Obrazovanie i Obshchestvo» (Russia) OBUCH = «Obuchenie» (Russia)
ODOSHDE = «O doshkol’nom detstve» (Russia) ODP = «Obrazovanie XXI Veka» (Russia)
ORE = «Oxford Review of Education» (United Kingdom)
OSS = «Obrazovanie v Sovremennoj Shkole» (Russia)
OTECH = «Obrazovanie i tekhnologii. Godishno nauchno-metodichesko spisanie» (Bulgaria)
OTS = «Otkrytaya Shkola» (Russia)
OUP = «Obrazovanie v uslovyakh Perekhodana Novye Standarty» (Russia) OZP = «Otechestvennaya i Zarubezhnaya Pedagogika» (Russia)
PDV = «Prepodavatel XXI Vek» (Russia) PED = «Pedagogika» (Bulgaria)
PEDG = «Pedagogika» (Russia)
PEDISK = «Pedagogika iskusstva» (Russia) PEDIZ = «Pedagogicheskie izmerenya» (Russia) PEED = «People’s Education» (China)
PER = «Perspectiva. Revista do Centro de Ciências da Educação» (Brazil) PH = «Paedagogica Historica» (Netherlands)
PHHE = «Perspectives on the History of Higher Education» (USA) PNPR = «Pedagogicheskaya Nauka i Praktika – Regionu» (Russia) POBN = «Pedagogicheskoe Obrazovanie i Nauka» (Russia)
PP = «Pro-Posiçôes» (Brazil)
PPP= «Psikhologo-Pedagogichesky Poisk» (Russia)
PPR = «Pedagogika i Psikhologya v Rossii: Vchera, Segodnya, Zavtra» (Russia) PRER = «Preschool Education Research» (China)
PRIMEF = «Primary Education Florina» (Greece) PRIS = «Prepodavanie Istorii v Shkole» (Russia)
PRISO = «Prepodavanie Istoriii Obshchestvoznanya v Shkole» (Russia) PRO = «Pravo i Obrazovanie» (Russia)
PROBRA = «Professional’noe obrazovanie: teorya i praktika» (Russia) PROPO = «Problemy pedagogicheskogo obrazovanya: istorya i sovremennost’»
PROS = «Profi Shkola» (Russia) PSIKHOL = «Psikhologya i shkola» (Russia)
PSM = «Pedagogika v Sovremennom Mire» (Russia) PSO= «Problemy Sovremennogo Obrazovanya» (Russia) PST = «Portugese Studies» (England)
PTE IGYK = «PTE-Igyk» (Hungary)
PZB = «Pedagocheskyj Zhurnal Bashkortostana» (Russia)
QFIAB = «Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken» (Germany)
QS = «Quaderni Storici» (Italy)
QSUP = «Quaderni per la Storia dell’Università di Padova» (Italy) QSUT = «Quaderni di Storia dell’Università di Torino» (Italy) RALO = «Revista de Administração Local» (Portugal)
RBHE = «Revista Brasileira de História de Educação» (Brazil) RCE = «Revista de Ciencias de la Educación» (Spain)
RDO = «Rozprawy z Dziejow Oswiaty» (Poland)
RECOED = «Revista Contemporânea de Educação» (Brazil) REDUQ = «Revista Educacão em Questão» (Brazil)
REE = «Revista de Educação» (Brazil)
REED = «Research of Elementary Education» (China) REMOCL = «Research of Modern Chinese Literature» (China) REOSET = «Research of Education and Teaching» (China) REPD = «Revista Profi Docente» (Brazil)
REPMA = «Research of Press Marketing» (China)
RESCIMO = «Research of Chinese Modern Literature» (China) RFP = «Revue Française de Pédagogie» (France)
RH = «Revista HISTEDBR-On Line» (Brazil) RHC = «Revista Historia Caribe» (Colombia) RHE = «Revista História da Educação» (Brazil)
RHEC = «Revista Historia de la Educación Colombiana» (Colombia)
RHEI = «Revue d’Histoire de l’Enfance Irrégulière. Le Temps de l’Histoire» (France)
RHEL = «Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana» (Colombia) RIPE = «Ricerche Pedagogiche» (Italy)
RIPEDI = «Ricerche di pedagogia e didattica» (Italy) RMC = «Roma Moderna e Contemporanea» (Italy)
RMHE = «Revista Mexicana de Historia de la Educación» (Mexico) RN= «Revue du Nord» (France)
RPED = «Revista Portuguesa de Educação» (Portugal) RPH = «Revista Procesos Históricos» (Venezuela)
RPI = «Reading Primers International – Newsletter» (Germany) RSE = «Estudios sobre Educación» (Spain)
RSI = «Rivista Storica Italiana» (Italy)
RSR = «Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento» (Italy)
RTUZI = RTU zinātniskie raksti. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes (Lettland) RUSJA = «Russky yazyk v shkole» (Russia)
RUSREC = «Russkaya rech’» (Russia) SA = «Studime Albanalogjike» (Albania)
SAGHE = «Sarmiento. Anuario Galego de Historia da Educación» (Spain) SARE = «Southern African Review of Education» (South Africa)
SCI-TE = «Sci-Tech Info» (China)
SCIRS = «Social Compass. International Review of Sociology of Religion» (United Kingdom)
SE = «Studium Educationis» (Italy)
SELSH = «Sel’skaya shkola» (Russia) SHB = «Shkol’naya Biblioteka» (Russia) SIBUCH = «Sibirskij uchitel» (Russia)
SISP = «Sovremennye issledovaniya social’nykh problem (elektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal» (Russia)
SOB = «Sociologya Obrazovanya» (Russia) SOCIOBRA = «Sociologya obrazovanya» (Russia)
SONP = «Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika» (Bulgaria) SOTLI = «Southern Literature» (China)
SOVRO = «Sovremennaya shkola Rossii. Voprosy modernizacii» (Russia)
SP = «Sodobna Pedagogika. Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies» (Slovenia)
SPR = «Social’naya Pedagogika v Rossii» (Russia)
SREPRO = «Srednee professional’noe obrazovanie» (Russia) SS = «Studi Storici» (Italy)
STE = «Shkol’nye Tekhnologii» (Russia) STIP = «Stranicy Istorii Pedagogiki» (Russia) SUAN = «Sumadijski anali» (Latvia)
TAG = «Tagad»
TEAMA = «Teaching and Management» (China)
TEOPRA = «Teorya i praktika obuchenya i vospitanya» (Russia) THEC = «Theory and Creation» (China)
TLJA = Theodor-Litt-Jahrbuch (Germany) TRUS = «Truth Seeking» (China)
TT = «Teachers and Teaching» (United Kingdom) UCHIT = «Uchitel’» (Russia)
UDD = «Uddannelseshistorie (Danemark)
UDOU = «Upravlenie Doshkol’nym Obrazovatel’nym Uchrezhdeniem» (Russia)
UNICH = «Universitetskie Chtenya» (Russia) UPRASO = «Upravlenie sovremennoj shkoly» (Russia)
US-CHI = «US-China Education Review» (United States)
UZKU = «Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Serya Gumanitarnyj Nauki» (Russia)
VDOU = «Vospitatetel’ Dosholnogo Obrazovatel’nogo Uchrezhdenya» (Russia)
VESGE = «Vestnik Gercenovskogo universiteta» (Russia)
VESTU = «Vestnik Universiteta Rossijskoj akademii obrazovanya» (Russia) VKTU = «Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta» (Russia) VMGGU = «Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Gumanitarnogo
Universiteta im. M.A. Sholokhova» (Russia)
VMGPU = «Vestnik Moskovskogo Gorodskogo Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta. Serya Pedagogika i Psikhologya» (Russia)
VMUPO = «Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Pedagogicheskoe Obrazovanie»
VNES = «Vneshkol’nik» (Russia)
VOB = «Voprosy Obrazovanya» (Russia) VOF = «Voprosy filosofi (Russia)
VOGPU = «Vestnik Orenburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta» (Russia)
VOR = «Vysshe Obrazovanie v Rossii» (Russia) VORS = «Vysshee obrazovanie segodnya» (Russia)
VOSPIMLA = «Vospitanie i obuchenie detej mladshego vozrasta» (Russia) VOSS = «Vospitanie v Shkole» (Russia)
VOSSHKO = «Vospitanie shkolnikov» (Russia)
VSO = «Voprosy sovremennogo obrazovanya» (Russia) VVS = «Vestnik Vysshej Shkoly» (Russia)
YD = «Yearbook. International Society for History Didactics» (Germany) YIL = «Yilin» (China)
ZHP= «Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik» (Germany) ZNS = «Zavuch Nachal’noj Shkoly» (Russia)
ZP = «Zeitschrift für Pädagogik» (Germany)
A History of Popular Education = Braster Sjaak, Simon Frank, Grosvenor Ian (edd.), A History of Popular Education: Educating the people of the World, London and New York, Routledge, 2013, pp. 256.
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A Universidade de Lisboa nos Séculos XIX e XX = Campos Matos Sérgic, Ramos do Ó Jorge (edd.), A Universidade de Lisboa nos Séculos XIX e XX, Prefacio António Novoa, Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2013, Vol. I, pp. 525; Vol. II, pp. 1284.
A Universidade medieval em Lisboa século XIII-XVI = Fernandes Hermene- gildo (ed.), A Universidade medieval em Lisboa século XIII-XVI, Lisboa, Tinta de China, 2013, pp. 604.
ATEE Spring University. Teacher of the 21stCentury = Teacher of the 21stCentury: Quality education for quality teaching – Association for Teacher Education in Europe (CD-ROM), Riga, ATEE, LU, 2010, pp. 639.
Bambini brasiliani = Mimesse Eliane, Bacellar Carlos, Maschio Eliane, Carval- ho Marta, Terciane Luchese (edd.), Bambini brasiliani. A infância das crianças italianas e Ítalo-Brasileiras, Jundiaí, Paco Editorial, 2013, pp. 152.
Bologna Fifty years of Children’s Books from Around the World = Grilli Gior- gia (ed.), Bologna Fifty years of Children’s Books from Around the World, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2013, pp. 529.
Centocinquanta anni di scuola in Italia (150 anni di scuola in Italia) = Bella- talla Luciana, Marescotti Elena (edd.), 150 anni di scuola in Italia. Identi- tà, figure, situazioni, Padova, Cleup, 2013, pp. 227.
Childhood in the Western World = Fass Paula S. (ed.), Childhood in the Western World, London and New York, Routledge, 2013, pp. 531.
Ciudadanías e identidades = Beas Miranda Miguel (ed.), Ciudadanías e iden- tidades en los manuales escolares (1970-2012), Sevilla, Díada Editora, 2013, pp. 219.
Clio’s Ways… = Vojnovich Mijo, Kozuh Sasa (edd.), Clio’s Ways… Topical problems of modern historical science, University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Koper, 2013, pp. 266.
Comparative Education, Teacher Training, Education Policy, Social Inclu- sion, History of Education. Vol. 9 = Popov Nikolai, Wolhuter Charl, Leutwyler Bruno, Mihova Marinela, Ogunleye James (edd.), Comparative Education, Teacher Training, Education Policy, Social Inclusion, Histo- ry of Education, Vol. 9, Sofia, Bulgarian Comperative Education Society, Bureau for Educational Services, 2011, pp. 432.
Cura e formazione nella storia delle donne = De Serio Barbara (ed.), Cura e formazione nella storia delle donne. Madri, maestre, educatrici, Bari, Progedit, 2012, pp. XXX-130.
Dicionário de História da I República e do Republicanismo = Rollo Maria Fernanda (ed.), Dicionário de História da I República e do Republicanis- mo, Volume I: A-E, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, 2013, pp. 1364.
Die Universitären Kollegien im Europa des Mittelalters und der Renaissance
= Sohn Andreas, Verger Jacques, Die Universitären Kollegien im Europa des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Bochum, D. Windler, 2011, pp. 237.
Educação e Formação de Professores = Bezerra Ada Augusta Celestino, Nasci- mento Marilene Batista da Cruz (edd.), Educação e Formação de Profes- sores: questões contemporâneas, Fortaleza, Edições UFC, 2013, pp. 200.
Educação e formação de professores = Guerra Henriques Helder Manuel (ed.), Educação e formação de professores: história(s) e memória(s), Porta- legre, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre – Escola Superior de Educação, 2013, pp. 111 [e-book].
Educação e Património Cultural = Mogarro Maria J. (ed.), Educação e Património Cultural: Escolas, Objetos e Práticas, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2013, pp. 250.
El asociacionismo en la enfermería y su influencia en el desarrollo de la profesión = Álvarez Nebreda Carlos, Hernández Martín Francisca (edd.), El asociacionismo en la enfermería y su influencia en el desarrollo de la profesión. 150 años de historia del Colegio de Enfermería de Madrid (1862- 2012), Madrid, Colegio Ofi de Enfermeras de Madrid, 2013, pp. 264.
Ellen Key = Planefors Per-Inge (ed.), Ellen Key. Creating a European Identity, Umea, Alvastra Publishing House, 2013, pp. 92.
Erziehung und Bildung in ländlichen Regionen-Rural Education = Gerde- nitsch Claudia, Hopfner Johanna (edd.), Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u.a, Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 229.
Európaiság, magyarság Közép-Európában = Ildikó Lőlincz (ed.), Európaiság, magyarság Közép-Európában. XIV. Apáczai-napok. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia 2010 [Being European, being Hungarian in Central-Europe. XIV Apaczai-Days. International Conference 2010], Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem, Győr, 2011, pp. 979 [e-book].
Falce e fumetto = Meda Juri (ed.), Falce e fumetto. Storia della stampa perio- dica socialista e comunista per l’infanzia in Italia (1893-1965), Firenze, Nerbini, 2013, pp. 335.
Federal’nye gosudarstvennye obrazovatel’nye standarty = Migunova T.L. (ed.), Federal’nye gosudarstvennye obrazovatel’nye standarty: problemy i perspektivy vnedrenya: sbornik statej uchastnikov III Vserossijskikh Vachterovskikh chteny s mezdunarodnym uchastiem, posvyashchennym 160-letiyu so dnya rozhdenya V.P. Vachterova (25-26 yanvarya 2013 g.) [Federal State education standarts: problems and perspectives of the adoption [of new measures]: collection of articles of the participants of the III All-russian Vechterov readings with an international participa- tion, dedicated to the 160 years from V.P. Vachterov’s birth (25-26 Janu- ary 2013)], Nizheorodskij Gosudarstvennyj Institut «N.I. Lobachevskij», Nacional’nyj-issledovatel’skij Institut, Arzamas, Nauchno-metodicheskij centr «V.P. Vachterov», Kafedra obshchej pedagogiki, Arzamas, AGPI, 2013, pp. 550.
Foucault, Deleuze & Educação = Clareto Sônia Maria, Ferrari Anderson (edd.), Foucault, Deleuze & Educação, Juiz de Fora, Editora UFJF, 2013, pp. 204.
Giovanna Caleffi Berneri = Chessa Fiamma (ed.), Giovanna Caleffi Berneri e la cultura eretica di sinistra nel secondo dopoguerra, Reggio Emilia, Biblio- teca Panizzi Archivio Famiglia Berneri-Aurelio Chessa, 2012, pp. 231.
Grani sotrudnichestva = Takala Irina, Solomesch Ilya (edd.), Grani sotrudni- chestva: Rossya i Severnaya Evropa [The frontiers of cooperation: Russia and Northern Europe]. Sbornik statej, Petrozavodsk, Izdatelstvo Petroza- vodskogo universiteta, 2013, пп. 150.
História dos municípios na Educação e na Cultura = Adão Áurea, Magalhães Justino (edd.), História dos municípios na Educação e na Cultura: incerte- zas de ontem, desafios de hoje, Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, Universida- de de Lisboa [e-Book], 2013, pp. 225.
Historia e identidades culturales = Historia e identidades culturales. Atas do V Simposio Internacional de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en el âmbi- to iberoamericano e do XIII Congresso Internacional – Jornadas de Educa- ção Histórica, Braga, Instituto de Educação [e-Book], 2013, pp. 1360.
Historiografias Portuguesa e Brasileira no Século XX. Olhares cruzados = Nunes João Paulo Avelãs, Freire Américo (edd.), Historiografias Portu- guesa e Brasileira no Século XX. Olhares cruzados, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 2013, pp. 392.
History Care = History Care. Festschrift for G. Leontsinis, Bampounis Ch. (ed.), Athens, University of Athens, 2011, Vol. I: pp. 733; vol. II: pp. 759 (pp. 1492).
Il ‘68: una rivoluzione culturale tra pedagogia e scuola = Betti Carmen, Cambi Franco (edd.), Il ‘68: una rivoluzione culturale tra pedagogia e scuola. Itinerari, modelli, frontiere, Milano, Unicopli, 2011, pp. 242.
‘Kartinki v moem bukvare’ = Barannikova Nаtalya B., Bezrogov Vitaly G., Kozlova Maria A. (edd.), ‘Kartinki v moem bukvare’. Pedagogicheskaya semantika illustracij v učebnike dlya nachal’noj shkoly. Sbornik nauchnikh trudov i materialov [‘Pictures in my primer’. The pedagogical semantics of the illustration in the elementary school textbook. A collection of scholarly works and materials], Trudy seminara ‘Kultura detstva: normy, cennosti, praktiki, vyp. 15, Moskva, TehGrupp, 2013, pp. 354.
Il Politecnico di Milano e la formazione delle classi dirigenti nazionali e locali
= Il Politecnico di Milano e la formazione delle classi dirigenti nazionali e locali, Milano, Silvana editoriale, pp. 120.
Il viaggio al femminile come itinerario di formazione identitaria = Ulivieri Simonetta (ed.), Il viaggio al femminile come itinerario di formazione iden- titaria, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 238.
Istoriko-pedagogicheskoe znanie v nachale III tysyaceletya = Kornetov Grigory B. (ed.), Istoriko-pedagogicheskoe znanie v nachale III tysyaceletya: poznavatel’nyj potencial istorii pedagogiki: materialy Devyatoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii [Historical and pedagogical knowledge at the beginning of the III millenary: cognitive potential of the
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Istorya pedagogiki segodnya = Kornetov Grigory B. (ed.), Istorya pedagogiki segodnya: materialy Pervogo nacional’nogo Foruma rossijskikh istorikov pedagogiki, Moskva, 25 aprel’ 2013 g. [History of the pedagogy today: materials of the First national Forum of the russian historians of pedagogy, Moscow, 25thApril 2013], Moskva, Asou, 2013, pp. 346.
Izglitiba izaugsmei = Izglitiba izaugsmei: pagatne, tagadne un nakotne [Educa- tion for Development: Past, Current Situation and Future] = Koķe Tatjana, Krūze Aīda, Dace Markus (edd.), Rīga, PLZK, Letonika, 2011, pp. 291.
Karel’skaya sem’ya vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XXI v = Karel’skaya sem’ya vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XXI v.: etnokultur’naya tradicya v kontekste social’nykh transformacij. Sbornik statej i materialov [The Karelian family in the second part of the XIXth century – beginning of the XXI century: ethnocultural traditions in the context of the social transfor- mations], Petrozavodsk, Karel’skij nauchnyj centr RAH, 2013, pp. 498.
L’école et la nation = Falaize Benoit, Heimberg Charles, Lobes Olivier (edd.),
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L’histoire nationale à l’école québécoise = Bouvier Félix, Allard Michel, Aubin Paul, Larouche Marie-Claude (edd.), L’histoire nationale à l’école québé- coise. Regards sur deux siècles d’enseignement, Québec, Septentrion, 2012, pp. 552.
La historia de la cultura escolar = Meda Juri, Badanelli Ana Maria, La histo- ria de la cultura escolar en Italia y en Espana: balance y perspectivas. Actas del I Workshop Italo-Español de Historia de la Cultura escolar (Berlanga de Duero, 14-16 de novembre de 2011)/La storia della cultura scolastica in Italia e in Spagna: bilancio e prospettive. Atti del I Workshop italo-spagno- lo di storia della cultura scolastica (Berlanga de Duero, 14-16 novembre 2011), Macerata, eum, 2013, pp. 262.
La religione istruita = Caimi Luciano, Vian Giovanni (edd.), La religione istruita. Nella scuola e nella cultura dell’Italia contemporanea, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013, pp. 494.
La ricerca storico-educativa oggi = Cavallera Hervé Antonio (ed.), La ricer- ca storico-educativa oggi. Un programma di ricerca, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa MultiMedia, 2013, 2 voll., pp. 1304.
Laicidade, Religiões e Educação na Europa = Pintassilgo Joaquim (ed.), Laicidade, Religiões e Educação na Europa do Sul no Século XX, Edição, Lisboa, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, pp. 2013, pp. 395 [e-book].
Laikmets un personība [Era and Personality] = Krūze Aīda (ed.), Vol. 12, Rīga, RaKa, 2010, pp. 385.
Laikmets un personība [Era and Personality] = Krūze Aīda (ed.), Vol. 13, Rīga, RaKa, 2011, pp. 356.
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Latvieši un Latvija. Vol. 4 = Stradiņš Jānis (ed.), Latvieši un Latvija, 4.sēj. [Latvians and Latvia, Vol. 4], Rīga, LZA, 2013, pp. 816.
Le frontiere del corpo = Cagnolati Antonella, Pinto Minerva Franca, Ulivieri Simonetta, Le frontiere del corpo. Mutamenti e metamorfosi, Pisa, ETS, 2013, pp. 389.
Le istituzioni universitarie e il Sessantotto = Breccia Alessandro (ed.), Le isti- tuzioni universitarie e il Sessantotto, Bologna, Clueb, 2013, pp. XIV-331.
Les universités dans la ville = Noguès Boris, Amalou Thierry (edd.), Les universités dans la ville en Europe à l’époque moderne (XVIe-XVIIIesiècle), Rennes, PUR, 2013, pp. 252.
Livro de Actas do XII Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicope- dagogia = D. S. Bento et al. (edd.), Livro de Actas do XII Congresso Inter- nacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia, Braga, Centro de Investi- gação em Educação (CIEd) / Instituto de Educação [e-Book], Universidade Minho, 2013, pp. 745.
LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas = Krūze Aīda, Lanka Ērika, Aizpurs Jānis (edd.), LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāte zinātnei un izglītībai [Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia for research and education], Rīga, LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2013, pp. 407.
Luigi Ambrosoli e la storia d’Italia = Lacaita Carlo, Laforgia Enzo (edd.), Luigi Ambrosoli e la storia d’Italia. Studi e testimonianze, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 191.
Lumières de la sagesse = Vallet Éric, Aube Sandra, Kouamé Thierry (edd.), Lumières de la sagesse. Écoles médiévales d’Orient et d’Occident, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne- Institut du monde arabe, 2013, pp. 424.
Maestre e maestri d’Italia = Marrone Gianna (ed.), Maestre e maestri d’Italia in 150 anni di storia della scuola, Roma, Edizioni conoscenza, 2012, pp. 237.
Mehrsprachigkeit und Schulbuch = Augschöll Blasbichler Annemarie, Videsott Gerda, Wiater Wener (edd.), Mehrsprachigkeit und Schulbuch. Beiträge zur historischen und systematischen Schulbuchforschung, Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 2013, pp. 280.
Missions and Media = Jensz Felicity, Acke Hanna (edd.), Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag (Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv Series), 2013, pp. 263.
Mokslo ir technikos raida Lietuvoje = Nakas Algimantas, Keliotiene Regina (edd.), Mokslo ir technikos raida Lietuvoje: 15-osios mokslo istorikų konferencijos pranešimai, Vilnius, Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas, 2012, pp. 316.
Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Words = Mullen Alex, James Patrick, Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Words, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. XVII-389.
Netzwerke in bildungshistorischer Perspektive = Grunder Hans-Ulrich, Hoffmann-Ocon Andreas, Metz Peter (edd.), Netzwerke in bildungshis- torischer Perspektive, Bad Heilbrunn, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2013, pp. 256.
Neue Raume, Neue Zeiten = Hunner-Kreisel Christine, Mania Stephan (edd.), Neue Raume, Neue Zeiten: Kindheit und Familie im Kontext von (Trans-) Migration und sozialem Wandel, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2013, pp. VII-181.
New challenges in Education = Gallová Mária, Gunchaga Ján, Chanasová Zuzana, Moldová Choancová Michaela, New challenges in Education. Retrospection of history of education to the future in the interdiscipli- nary dialogue among didactics of various school subjects, Ružomberok, Verbum, 2013, pp. 277.
Non bramo altr’esca = Tortorelli Gianfranco (ed.), Non bramo altr’esca. Studi sulla casa editrice Barbèra, Bologna, Pendragon, 2013, pp. 335.
«Non lamento, ma azione» = Bocci Maria (ed.), «Non lamento, ma azione». I cattolici e lo sviluppo italiano nei 150 anni di storia unitaria. Atti del convegno di studi Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (24-25 novembre 2011), Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2013, pp. 387.
Non solo Rivoluzione = Musiani Elena (ed.), Non solo Rivoluzione. Modelli formativi e percorsi politici, Aracne, Roma, 2013, pp. 236.
O Corpo – Memória e identidade = Brás José Viegas, Gonçalves Maria Neves (edd.), O Corpo – Memória e identidade, Lisboa, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2013, pp. 153.
Olímpico. Os jogos num percurso = Pinto P.M. (edd.), Olímpico. Os jogos num percurso de valores e de significado, Porto, edições Afrontamento, 2013, pp. 111.
Ot velikogo do smeshnogo… = Narsky I.V. (ed.), Ot velikogo do smeshno- go… Instrumentalizatsiya smekha v rossiyskoy istorii XX veka [From great to funny: instrumentalization of laughter in Russian history of the XXth century], Chelyabinsk, Kamennyj poyas, 2013, pp. 295.
Ottocento fra casa e scuola = Cantatore Lorenzo (ed.), Ottocento fra casa e scuola. Luoghi, oggetti, scene della letteratura per l’infanzia, Milano, Unicopli, 2013, pp. 277.
Pedagogicheskoe masterstvo (III) = Pedagogikheskoe masterstvo (III): materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii (g. Moskva, yun’ 2013 g.) [Pedagogial trade (III): materials of the International scientific confer- ence (Moscow, yune 2013)], Moskva, Buki-Vedi, 2013, pp. 153.
Pedagoģijas vēsture [History of Pedagogy: 15 Questions] = Ķestere Iveta, Krūze Aīda, (edd.), Pedagoģijas vēsture: 15 jautājumi. Zinātnisku rakstu krājums [History of Pedagogy: 15 Questions], Rīga, Raka, 2010, pp. 297.
Per la storia dell’infanzia abbandonata in Europa = Lomastro Francesca, Reggiani Flores, Per la storia dell’infanzia abbandonata in Europa. Tra Est e Ovest: ricerche e confronti, Roma, Viella, 2013, pp. 209.
Podgotovka pedagogicheskikh kadrov =Kornetov Grigory B., Salov A.I., Podgotovka pedagogicheskikh kadrov: istorya, teorya, praktika: sbornik nauchnykh trudov i metodicheskikh materialov [The training of pedagog- ical staff: history, theory, practice: Collection of scientific works and meth- odological materials], Moskva, Asou, 2013, pp. 188.
Prensa pedagógica = Hernandez Diaz José María (edd.), Prensa pedagógica y patrimonio histórico educativo. Contribuciones desde la Europa Medi- terránea e Iberomérica, Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2013, pp. 433.
Progetto Generazioni = Corsi Michele, Ulivieri Simonetta (edd.), Progetto Generazioni. Bambini e Anziani: due stagioni della vita a confronto, Pisa, ETS, 2012, pp. 909.
Psicologia da Educação = Veiga Feliciano H. (ed.), Psicologia da Educação. Teoria, investigação e aplicação. Envolvimento dos alunos na escola, Lisboa, Climpsi Editores, 2013, pp. 773.
Quality Education for Quality Teaching = Daniēla Linda, Rutka Lūcija, Žogla Irēna (edd.), Quality Education for Quality Teaching. Conference Proceedings, Brussels, Association for Teacher Education in Europe, 2013.
Representações da República = Bernardo Luís Manuel, Santa Bárbara Leonor, Andrade Luís, Representações da República, V. N. Famalicão, Edições Húmus, 2013, pp. 830.
Rethinking the History of Education: Transnational perspectives = Popkewitz Thomas S. (ed.), Rethinking the History of Education: Transnational perspectives on Its Questions, Methods, and Knowledge, New York, Palgrave Macmillan [e-Book], 2013, pp. 251.
Rīgas Domskola = Krūze Aīda, Ķestere Iveta, Zigmunde Alīda (edd.), Rīgas Domskola un izglītības pirmsākumi Baltijā. Starptautiskas konferences zinātnisko rakstu krājums [Riga’s Dom School and the Roots of Educa- tion in the Baltic. The Collection of Scientific Articles of the International Conference], Rīga, Raka, 2011, pp. 276.
Santi patroni = Castelli Patrizia, Greci Roberto (edd.), Santi patroni e Univer- sità in Europa, Bologna, Clueb, 2013, pp. 265.
Scientific Papers University of Latvia. Vol. 778. International 8thIOSTE Symposium = International 8thIOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe Science and Technology Education: Trends and main tendencies in the 21stcentury, Cedere Dagnija (ed.), Rīga, Latvijas Universitāte, 2011, pp. 272.
Soslovie russkikh professorov = Vishlenkova Elena, Savel’eva I.M. (edd.), Soslovie russkikh professorov. Sozdateli statusov i smyslov, Moskva, Izdatel’skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki, 2013, pp. 386.
Teachers’ Life-Cycle from Initial Teacher Education = ATEE 36, Teachers’ Life-Cycle from Initial Teacher Education to Experienced Professional, Belgium, ATEE, 2012, pp. 708.
Tessere trame narrare storie = Cagnolati Antonella (ed.), Tessere trame narra- re storie. Le donne e la scritutra per l’infanzia, Roma, Aracne, 2013, pp. 284.
The Making of Modern Portugal = Trindade Luis (ed.), The Making of Modern Portugal, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 320.
Trajetórias na formação = Monarcha Carlos, Gatti Júnior Décio (edd.), Trajetórias na formação do campo da história da educação brasileira, Uberlândia, EDUFU, 2013, p. 244.
Tutti a scuola? = D’Ascenzo Mirella (ed.), Tutti a scuola? L’istruzione elemen- tare nella pianura bolognese tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, Clueb, 2013, pp. 289.
Uchebniki detstva =. Barannikova Natalya B., Bezrogov Vitaly G., Makarevich Galina V. (edd.), Uchebniki detstva. Iz istorii shkoln’noj knigi VII – XXI vekov (Sbornik statej T. 3) [Textbooks of the childhood. From the history of the schoolbook from the 7thto the 21stcentury (A collection of
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1233. St. Louis Public Schools’ Educational Foundations and Subsequent Curricula, JPHE, 63 (2013), n. 1, pp. 107-120.
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1235. Standish Paul, Repensando la democracia y la educación con Stanley Cavell, in Estados Unidos ante la Educación, FE, 11 (2013), n. 15, pp. 49-64.
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1239. Stikute Elita, Latviešu literatūras didaktikas vēsturiskā pieredze (20. gs.20.-40.g.) mūsdienu literatūras didaktikas kontekstā [Historical Experience of Didactics of Latvian Literature (1920s-1940) in the context of current Didactics of Literature], TAG, 1 (2011), n. 6.
1240. Stikute Elita, Mirdzas Gailes ieguldījums latviešu literatūras didaktikas attīstībā [Heritage of Mirdza Gaile in the Didactics of Latvian Literature], in Vilks Ilgonis (ed.), Latvijas Universitātes Raksti, 763.
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1242. Stoyukhina N.Yu., Religioznoe vospitanie v rossyskoj psikhologo- pedagogicheskoj publicistike nachala XX veka [The religious education in the russian psychological-pedagogical periodicals at the beginning of the XX century], PSIKHOL, 1 (2013), pp. 104-126.
1243. Strandgaard Jensen Helle, TV as Children’s Spokesman: Confl notions of Children and Childhood in Danish Children’s Television around 1968, JHCY, 6 (2013), n. 1, pp. 105-128.
1244. Strelova O. Ju., Istorya v shkole ostaetsja «polem bitvy za proshloe», potomu chto «vojny pamjati» ne utichajut [History Classroom Still A Field of Battle for the Past, as Memory Wars Rage On], PSO, 6 (2012), pp. 83-98.
1245. Stronach Ian, Education, philosophy and politics. The selected works of Michael A Peters, BERJ, 39 (2013), n. 6, pp. 1078-1080.
1246. Struck Wolfgang, German Television and Colonialism, in Postcolonial Memory Politics in Educational Media, JEMMS, 5 (2013), n. 1, pp. 130-140.
1247. Strunc Abbie, King Kelley, Citizenship Education in Texas: Gaps between Theory and Practice in the State Curriculum Standards, AEHJ, 40 (2013), n. 1, pp. 141-152.
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1249. Sukhova N.N., Razrabotka teoreticheskich osnov sovetskoj pedagogicheskoj nauki. Dejatel’nost’ Vsesojuznogo Kommunisticheskogo instituta prosveshcheniya [The elaboration of the theoretical basis of the soviet pedagogical science. The activity of the All-Russian Communist Institute of Enlightement], in Aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki modernizacii obrazovaniya, pp. 73-77.
1250. Sumnitel’lyj K. Ye., Tajna osvobozhdenya rebenka. Pochemu metod Montessori opyat’ aktualen? [The secret of the child liberation. Why is the method Montessori yet actually?], PSO, 1 (2011), pp. 18-25.
1251. Sun Jianguo, 儿童文学视野下小学语文中的儿童哲学教育 [Philosophi- cal education in elementary school Chinese course from the perspective of children’s literature], JOEDU, 3 (2011), pp. 83-85.
1252. Sun Jianguo, 基于文化自觉的高师儿童文学教学中的人文教育 [Liber- al education in the teaching of children’s literature in normal univer- sities based on cultural self-awareness], FOREC, 3 (2012), pp. 24-28.
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1254. Sun Jianguo, 论儿童文学促进幼儿情感发展及其优化策略 [On the enhancement of emotional development of infants through children’s literature and its optimization strategies], FOREC, 6 (2013), pp. 41-46.
1255. Sun Jianying, 试论金波儿童文学作品教学的意义与策略 [On the signif- icance and strategies of the teaching of Jin Bo’s works for children], JIANER, 34 (2011), pp. 41-43.
1256. Sureda Garcia Bernat, Comas Rubí Francisca, Proposals for women’s education in the magazine «Feminal», HECL, 8 (2013), n. 2, pp. 273-292.
1257. Šušnjara Sniežana, The position of teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in Protner Edvard, Polenghi Simonetta (edd.), The development of teacher education in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europed. Proceedings of the International Conference: Maribor (Slovenia), 11-13 October 2012, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, HECL, 8 (2013), n. 1, pp. 85-106.
1258. Sveshnikov A.V., Pravitel’stvennaya politika v sfere zarubezhnykh komandirovok russkikh uchenykh vtoroj poloviny XIX –nachala XX veka [The State Policy in the Sphere of the Foreign Scholars’ Study Tours in the second half of the 19th– beginning of the 20thc.], in Raspisanie peremen. Ocherki istorii obrazovatel’noj i nauchnoj politiki v Rossyskoj imperii – SSSR (konec 1880-kh– 1930-e gody) [The Schedule of Changes. The Essays of the History of the Educational and Scientifi Policy in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union (late 1880-1930s)], NLOBO, 2012, pp. 849-887.
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1260. Syrett Nicholas L., «I Did and I Don’t Regret It»: Child Marriage and the Contestation of Childhood in the United States, 1880-1925, JHCY, 6 (2013), n. 2, pp. 314-331.
1261. Szakács Simona, Converging with World Trends: The Emergence of the Cosmopolitan Citizen in Post-Socialist Romanian Citizenship Education, in Agarin Timofey, Pawel Karolewski Ireneusz (edd.), Citizenship and Civic Education in Postcommunist Countries, JSSE, 4 (2013), pp. 2-5.
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1263. Szulakiewicz Władysława, Być nauczycielem akademickim. Rozważania Hansa-Georga Gadamera (1900-2002), RDO, 50 (2013), pp. 65-80.
1264. Tabacchi Elena, «Secondo i naturali confini della libertà degli insegnanti». Forme di censura e controllo nell’esperienza della seconda Commissione centrale per l’esame dei libri di testo (1894-1901), HECL, 8 (2013), n. 2, pp. 239-258.
1265. Taborda de Oliveira Marcus Aurelio, Herrera Beltran Claudia Ximena, Uma educação para a sensibilidade: circulação de novos saberes sobre a educação do corpo no começo do século XX na Ibero-América, RBHE, 13 (2013), n. 2, pp. 15-44.
1266. Tadesse Woldegiorgis Emnet, Doevenspeck Martin, The Changing Role of Higher Education in Africa: A Historical Reflection, HES, 3 (2013), n. 6, pp. 35-45.
1267. Tadmor-Shimony Tali, Shaping landscape identity in Jewish state education during the 1950s to 1960s, PH, 49 (2013), n. 2, pp. 236-252.
1268. Tagliavini João Virgílio, Piantkoski Marcelo Adriano, João Batista de La Salle (1651-1719): um silêncio eloquente em torno do educador católico que modelou a escola moderna, in Intelectuais e Educação, HS, 13 (2013), n. 53, pp. 16-40.
1269. Tahan Novaes Henrique, O trabalho associado como princípio educativo e a educação escolar: notas a partir das fábricas recuperadas, HS, 13 (2013), n. 54, pp. 70-88.
1270. Tamboukou Maria, Sources and interpretations. Educating the seamstress: studying and writing the memory of work, HEJ, 42 (2013), n. 4, pp. 509-527.
1271. Tan Fengxia, 喧哗与骚动中的成长危机——论“文革”童年叙事的人 文反思 [Growing up crisis in sound and furies: on the humanitarian
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1272. Tan Fengxia, 突围与束缚:中国本土图画书的民族化道路——国际视野 中熊亮等的绘本创作论 [Escape and restraints: domestication of native Chinese picture books, on Xiong Liang and other writer’s works in an international perspective], JONNU, 2 (2012), pp. 148-153.
1273. Tan Fengxia, 认同危机中的挑战——论当代美国校园小说对少年主体 性的建构 [Challenges in the identification crisis: on the construction of juvenile subjectivity of conteporary school stories], CONFOLI, 3 (2013), pp. 107-117.
1274. Tan Fengxia, 论京派乡土童年书写中的女儿崇拜 [On daughter-worship in Beijing rural childhood writings], NASS, 4 (2013), pp. 125-130.
1275. Tan Fengxia, 转型中的焦虑与建构——论新时期后期童年书写繁 荣之成因 [Anxiety and construction in a transitional period: on the popularity of childhood writing in late new epoch], TRUS, 6 (2013), pp. 134-139.
1276. Tanguy Lucie, Apprentissage en entreprise et formation professionnelle en école: une mise en perspective des années 1950 aux années 1990, RFP, 183 (2013), pp. 27-37.
1277. Tannebaum Rory P., Hall Anna H., Deaton Cynthia M., The Development of Reflective Practice in American Education, AEHJ, 40 (2013), n. 2, pp. 241-260.
1278. Tanturri Alberto, Dal precettorato alle scuole private. Il caso del Mezzogiorno sette-ottocentesco, in Paoli Maria Pia (ed.), Itinerari del sapere nell’Europa moderna, ASE, 20 (2013), pp. 187-199.
1279. Targhetta Fabio, Protagonisti e strategie della lotta contro l’ignoranza nell’Italia unita. A proposito di una recente pubblicazione, HECL, 8 (2013), n. 1, pp. 765-770.
1280. Targhetta Fabio, Una raccolta di saggi, una stagione di studi storico- educativi. A proposito di una recente pubblicazione, HECL, 8 (2013), n. 2, pp. 651-658.
1281. Társio de Souza Sauloéber, da Silva Jóbio Balduíno, Educação profi Pública no Pontal mineiro: notas sobre o colégio comercial ofi (1965-1979), HS, 13 (2013), n. 51, pp. 200-221.
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1283. Terziyska Milka, Decata bez detstvo v istoyata i dnes [Children without childhood in history and today], BSZO, 1 (2013), pp. 15-51.
1284. Terziyska Milka, Istoryata na detstvoto kato napravlenie v psichoistoryata (Teoryata na Llojd de Mos) [Childhood history as a new direction in psychohistory (Loyd Demause’s theory)], SONP, 21 (2013), n. 4, pp. 460-485.
1285. Terzulli Francesco, Anatomia di un lungo consenso. Le pratiche didattiche di un preside fascista nel Sud (1930-1955), HECL, 8 (2013), n. 2, pp. 377-413.
1286. Tészabó Júlia, Törekvések a 20. század elején a gyermekkultúra területeinek meghatározására [Attempts in the defi of the fi
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1287. Thelin John R., Numbers, please!, in If Life where Endless, What Woyld you study?, HEQ, 53 (2013), n. 2, pp. 150-156.
1288. Thoilliez Bianca, El pensamiento pedagógico de William James: el tactful teacher y la educación moral, in Estados Unidos ante la Educación, FE, 11 (2013), n. 15, pp. 83-102.
1289. Thompson Margaret Susan, Adaptation and professionalisation: challenges for teaching sisters in a pluralistic nineteenth-century America, in Bruno-Jofré Rosa (ed.), Catholic teaching congregations and synthetic configurations: building identity through pedagogy and spirituality across national boundaries and cultures, PH, 49 (2013), n. 4, pp. 454-470.
1290. Thyssen Geert, The stranger within: Luxembourg’s early school system as a European prototype of nationally legitimized international blends (ca. 1794-1844), PH, 49 (2013), n. 5, pp. 625-644.
1291. Thyssen Geert, Priem Karin, Mobilising meaning: multimodality, translocation, technology and heritage, in Thyssen Geert, Priem Karin (edd.), Modes and Meaning: Displays of Evidence in Education, PH, 49 (2013), n. 6, pp. 735-744.
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1293. Todaro Letterio, Scienza, pedagogia, cultura scolastica nell’Italia postunitaria: l’esperienza dell’«Archivio di pedagogia e scienze affini» –
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1295. Toledo María Isabel (entrevista a), A 40 años del Golpe: Muchos han dicho que a los niños no les importa, que no les corresponde, pero es su propia historia, DO, 50 (2013), pp. 76-80.
1296. Tong Chia Yeow, Through the Western gaze: Chinese history in Ontario High School World History Syllabus and textbooks, 1947-ca. 1980s, HER, 42 (2013), n. 2, pp. 199-211.
1297. Tooley James, Challenging educational injustice: ‘Grassroots’ privatisation in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, ORE, 39 (2013), n. 4, pp. 446-463.
1298. Torrano Conrado Vilanou, La doctrina pueril de Lulio: Una enciclopedia escolar del siglo XIII, in Vergara Ciordia Javier (ed.), Tesoros escondidos de la Historia de la Educación, ED, 16 (2013) n. 1, pp. 97-114.
1299. Tortorelli Gianfranco, Educare alla lettura nel Novecento: una rifl storiografi sulla storia dell’editoria, HECL, 8 (2013), n. 2, pp. 555-583.
1300. Tortorelli Gianfranco, Filologia, editoria, educazione e identità nazionale: una tradizione per l’Italia, HECL, 8 (2013), n. 1, pp. 381-398.
1301. Tortorelli Gianfranco, L’illustrazione nelle edizioni Bemporad: rilettura di un paradigma, HECL, 8 (2013), n. 2, pp. 659-669.
1302. Tozzi Juliana Bernardes, Educação, infância e leitura: contribuições da teoria dos processos civilizadores de Norbert Elias, PP, 24 (2013), n. 2, pp. 127-145.
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1304. Trentin Silveira Renê, Education policy and national security in Brazil in the post-1964 context, PH, 49 (2013), n. 2, pp. 253-272.
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1306. Tribunskich N.I., Deyatel’nost’ gosudarstvennykh i partynykh organov po podgotovke uchitelej dlya gorodskikh i sel’skikh shkol v 1920-e – seredine 1930-kh godov na Stavropol’e [The activity of State and Party organs in the training of the teachers for the urban and rural schools in
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1307. Tröhler Daniel, The Technocratic Momentum after 1945, the Development of Teaching Machines, and Sobering Results, in Kümmerling-Meibauer Bettina (ed.), Children’s Films, JEMMS, 5 (2013), n. 2, pp. 1-19.
1308. Trotta Nicoletta, Il Fondo Manoscritti dell’Università di Pavia, «scrigno della memoria», ASUI, 17 (2013), pp. 495-504.
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1310. Tschirhart Annie, Des surveillants généraux aux conseillers principaux d’éducation: histoire d’un heritage, in Verneuil Yves, Savoie Philippe (edd.), Encadrement éducatif et vie scolaire dans les établissements d’enseignement secondaire depuis le XVIIesiècle, CAE, 35 (2013), n. 1, pp. 85-103.
1311. Tshichenko E.G., Aleksandrovskaya muzhkaya gimnazya Taganroga (1880-1890-e gg.) [Aleksandrovskaya Taganrog Me’s grammar school (1880-s-1890-s)], IPZ, 2 (2013), pp. 142-150.
1312. Tsoneva Penka, Obrazovanieto na decata ot etnicheskite malcinstva v Balgarya i sapatstvashtite gi pedagogicheski problemi 1919-1944 [Education of Children from Ethnic minorities in Bulgaria and the pedagogical problems that accompany it during 1919-1944], BSZO, 1 (2013), pp. 7-14.
1313. Tumolo Paulo Sergio, Torriglia Patrícia Laura, Batista Serrão Maria Isabel, Educação e emancipação humana: elementos introdutórios, PER, 31 (2013), n. 1, pp. 11-25.
1314. Tyacke Nicholas, An Oxford Education in the Early Seventeenth Century: John Crowther’s Musae Faciles, HU, 27 (2013), n. 2, pp. 1-69.
1315. Tydecks Johanna, The Lost Thing: Moving Media Language from a Picture Book to a Short Film, in Kümmerling-Meibauer Bettina (ed.), Children’s Films, JEMMS, 5 (2013), n. 2, pp. 45-60.
1316. Tzikas C., Korompokis D., Εκπαιδευτική πολιτική και ερμηνευτικά όρια. Μια θεωρητική – μεθοδολογική διερεύνηση μέσα από την εξέταση της εξέλιξης της μέσης εκπαίδευσης στη μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα [Educational and interpretive limits. A theoretical-methodological investigation by
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1318. Unarova V.Ya., Stanovlenie i razvitie metodiki obuchenya russkomu yazyku v nachal’nykh shkolakh Yakutii: XVIII-nach. XXI vv. [The birth and the development of the methods of learning of the russian language in the elementary schools of Yakutya: XVIII-beginning of the XXI century], NAC, 1 (2013), 54, pp. 46-51.
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1321. Utkin A. V., Moisej Matveevich Rubinshtejn (k 135-letyu so dnya rozhdenya). Russky, sovetsky psikholog, pedagog, fi organizator obrazovanya, 1878-1953 [Moisej Matveevich Rubinstein (on occasion of his birth centenary)], IPZ, 2 (2013), pp. 21-27.
1322. Utkin A.V., Stenogramma IX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii
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1323. Vacheva Snezhana, Shumen – prosveten centar prez Vazrazhdaneto [Shumen – Educational Center during the Renaissance], PED, 85 (2013), n. 1, pp. 19-29.
1324. Vaillant Denise, Manso Ayuso Jesús, La formación del profesorado en Estados Unidos. Iniciativas orientadas a la mejora educativa, in Estados Unidos ante la Educación, FE, 11 (2013), n. 15, pp. 125-148.
1325. Vajda Zsuzsanna, «Legdrágább kincsünk a gyermek!». Anyaság és gyermeknevelés az ’50-es években Magyarországon a Nők Lapja című folyóiratban [«Our dearest treasure is the child! – Motherhood and children’s education in Hungary during the 50s in the Nők Lapja magazine»], ISK, 23 (2013), n. 2, pp. 65-81.
1326. Val’kova О.А., Gosudarstvennaya politika v sfere professional’nogo nauchnogo truda zhenschin v Rossii: konec XIX veka – 1930e gody XX veka [The State Policy in the Sphere of the Women’s Scientific Labor in Russia: late 19th-1930s], in Raspisanie peremen. Ocherki istorii obrazovatel’noj i nauchnoj politiki v Rossyskoj imperii – SSSR (konec 1880-kh– 1930-e gody) [The Schedule of Changes. The Essays of the History of the Educational and Scientific Policy in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union (late 1880-1930s)], NLOBO, 2012, pp. 809-848.
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1331. Valerie Poirier, «Polio Hysteria»: La rentrée scolaire montréalaise de 1946 et l’épidémie de poliomyélite, CBMH, 30 (2013), n. 1, pp.
1332. Van der Ploeg Piet, The Dalton Plan: recycling in the guise of innovation, PH, 49 (2013), n. 3, pp. 314-329.
1333. Van Ruyskensvelde Sarah, Remembering wartime schooling… Catholic education, teacher memory and World War II in Belgium, in Rockwell Elsie, Roldán Vera Eugenia, Galván Luz Elena (edd.), Rethinking the relationship: society, state and education, PH, 49 (2013), n. 1, pp. 149-159.
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1383. Wang Zuo, 功利教育与视觉文化压迫——儿童文学接受障碍的外因形 成 [Utilitarian education and visual cultural repression: formation of external factors of children’s literature reception obstacles], GUISS, 10 (2012), pp. 104-106.
1384. Wang Zuo, 浅谈儿童文学的发展对儿童音乐发展的借鉴意义 [On the signifi of children’s literature on music education of children], NOLIT, 2 (2012), pp. 203-204.
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1396. Werner Sven, Zur Körperbehindertenpädagogik des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts zwischen christlicher Fürsorge und ökonomischem Kalkül. Professionalisierungsprozesse am Beispiel der ,Krüppelfürsorge‘, JHB, 19 (2013), pp. 225-246.
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1408. Wu Dienian & Gu Zuoqing, 刘国钧早期学术思想演进之一翼——从儿 童教育到儿童图书馆建设 [Part of Liu Guojun’s early academic ideas: from children’s education and construction of children’s library], LIBS, 2 (2013), pp. 40-47.
1409. Wu Qinan, 儿童文学不只是写给儿童的——关于儿童文学中”双隐 含读者”问题的探讨 [Children’s literature means not only literature written for children: discussion on the double implied reader in children’s literature], JOKUC, 1 (2013), pp. 1-4.
1410. Wu Zuoli, 在教育和趣味之间——1949-1959年中国图画书研究 [Between education and pleasure: Chinese picture books between 1949 and 1959], JIANSS, 6 (2012), pp. 214-218.
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1413. Ximenes-Rocha Solange Helena, Imbiriba Sousa Colares Maria Lília, A organização do espaço e do tempo escolar em classes multisseriadas: na contramão da legislação, in Educação do Campo, RH, 13 (2013), n. 50, pp. 90-98.
1414. Xu Derong & Jiang Jianli, 从双关语的翻译检视译者的儿童文学翻 译观 [Translator’s ideas of children’s literature translation: from the translation of puns], JOCHIMU, 2 (2012), pp. 98-104.
1415. Xu Derong & Jiang Jianli, 儿童文学经典复译研究——以«爱丽丝漫 游奇境记»为例 [Studies on the retranslation of children’s literature classics: a case study of «Alice in Wonderland»], JOCHIMU, 6 (2012), pp. 100-105.
1416. Xu Derong & Jiang Jianli, 论中美儿童文学中儿童观的差异 [On the differences of the concept of childhood in Chinese and American children’s literature], APMA, 27 (2012), pp. 125-128.
1417. Xu Derong & Jiang Jianli, 论美国儿童观的历史困窘与现代演进 [On the historical dilemma and modern evolution of American concept of childhood], YIL, 4 (2012), pp. 16-28.
1418. Xu Fuxiao, 以老子”赤子之心”分析西方儿童文学作品中的儿童崇 尚——以«皇帝的新装»«爱丽丝漫游奇境记»为例 [Analysis of child- worship in the west from Laozi’s child-heart: a case study of «Emperor’s New Clothes» and «Alice in Wonderland»], OBED, 5 (2012), pp. 66-69.
1419. Xu Hua, 新时期儿童文学的多元教育指向分析 [Directives of multiple education of children’s literature in the new epoch], LITED, 4 (2012), p. 117.
1420. Xu Ping & Yi Yuzuo, 论儿童本位理念下的语文教材观——从«开明国 语课本»走红谈起 [Chinese textbooks in a children-centered context: beginning from the popularity of «Kaiming Chinese textbook»], EASF, 3 (2013), pp. 112-116.
1421. Xu Xiangyun, 郑渊洁的儿童文学创作个性初探 [Exploration into the traits of Zheng Yuanjie’s works for children], JOSE, 8 (2012), pp. 100-101.
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1423. Yamasaki Yoko, Continuing the conversation: British and Japanese progressivism, HEJ, 42 (2013), n. 3, pp. 335-349.
1424. Yang Fengxiu, 儿童文学教学中的情感教育培养 [Emotional education in the teaching of children’s literature], LITED, 6 (2013), p. 159.
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1426. Yang Hequan, 丰子恺与周作人儿童文学教育思想比较及其当代意义 [Comparison of Feng Zikai and Zhou Zuoren’s ideas on the education of children’s literature and their present signifi , DEBA, 4 (2013), pp. 177-181.
1427. Yarnell Bradshaw Lauren, Haeussler Bohan Chara, The Struggle for Industrial Education in the «Lowell of the South», Columbus, Georgia, 1850-1930, AEHJ, 40 (2013), n. 2, pp. 189-206.
1428. Ydesen Christian, Educational testing as an accountability measure: drawing on twentieth-century Danish history of education experiences, PH, 49 (2013), n. 5, pp. 716-733.
1429. Yoshihito Yasuhara, Journey to an international collaboration on the origins of higher learning, HEJ, 42 (2013), n. 3, pp. 299-305.
1430. Yu Youxian,以童书沟通童心——少儿出版人的追求 [To communicate with children through books: pursuit of children’s publishers], CHIPRE, 11 (2013), pp. 14-16.
1431. Yudina N.P., O pedagogicheskoj kul’ture Lili Anatol’evny Stepashko [About pedagogic culture L.A. Stepashko], IPZ, 4 (2013), pp. 203-206.
1432. Zago Giuseppe, Fra tradizione e cambiamento: il docente di Scienze umane nella Scuola italiana del Novecento, in Il Nuovo liceo delle Scienze Umane, SE, 14 (2013), n. 1, pp. 49-68.
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1435. Zakai Sivan, Schneider Jack, «Now Where Do We Go from Here?» Separateness, Integration, and Pluralism in Philadelphia, HEQ, 53 (2013), n. 3, pp. 280-300.
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1437. Zaldívar Jon Igelmo, Paulo Freire y John Holt: de la educación liberadora a la libertad más allá de la educación, EH, 21 (2013), pp. 13-35.
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